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发表于 2009-12-15 00:50:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dragon Age: Origins →→ Cheats / Enable Console  
Enable Cheat Console:
Start the game with the →→enabledeveloperconsole command→→line parameter.
Example: "C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" →→enabledeveloperconsole
Then, while playing press ` (tilde) to open the console. You won't actually see it, but the console is running. Type any of the following cheat codes for the corresponding effect.
1.在Dragon Age\bin_ship下找到daorigins.exe 右键,桌面快捷方式
4.进入游戏 按"~" ,再单击"c" 大概没有弹出角色纪录,就代表你成功了

Code: Result:
runscript addxp # Add XP (# = Amount) 加经验
runscript zz_money # Add Money (# = Amount) 加钱
runscript zz_addparty [NPCName] Add Party Member 任意组队
runscript ai off Disable AI 禁用AI
runscript zz_addapproval # ## Add Approval (# = Member, ## = Amount) 加好感度
runscript killallhostiles Kill All Hostiles 杀死所有敌人
Note: This is a lazy copy and paste. Credits to whoever first released the info.
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