由二十世纪福斯电影公司出品的科幻动作巨制War for the Planet of the Apes(暂译《猩球崛起3:终极之战》)再曝新预告,预告片中人类与猩族之间的和平已不复存在,跋扈的上校带领一群冷血残暴的武装军团全面进攻猩族,凯撒看到族人遭受难以想像的死亡打击,心中燃起复仇的烈火,带着众猩猩和诺瓦在森林雪地沙滩中搜索追杀人类。英国知名杂志评价:“这是一段引人深入、简洁明了的冒险旅程。“
11。“War for the Planet of the Apes works as a drama with a series of stunningly good “performances” by the cast of motion-captured actors。”
12。“I know it’s a cliché to talk about Serkis getting an Oscar nomination for a motion-cap performance, but his is one of the great leading performances in any movie this year。 In an era when expensive special effects have become so common as to inspire nostalgia for practical work, this is a real marvel of movie magic。”
13。“War For the Planet of the Apes is a riveting and surprisingly poignant epic”
13。“Caesar continues to be a fascinating and truly complex character that’s as well-conceived and executed as a live-action performance。”
14。“Go now。 Go see it。 Go ape。”
15。“It’s a monkey exodus。”
16。“It’s a tribute to the actors, and the motion-capture engineers, that we never doubt these creatures for a moment。 How can we? They’re the most human characters in the film。”